Christine Epper, D.C.

Dr. Christine Epper is a dedicated chiropractor who has been servicing patients since 1995. Dr. Epper believes that regular Chiropractic Care along with proper nutrition and exercise, allows the body to function at an optimum performance level.

Dr. Epper is skilled in several adjustive techniques, including Diversified technique, Thompson Table Assisted technique (low force), and Arthrostim Instrumental technique (low to non-force). Dr. Epper also uses adjunctive therapies including Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), physiotherapy, corrective exercises, heat/ice and provides nutritional guidance. Whether you’re in acute pain or trying to take a few strokes off your golf game, Dr. Epper has a plan for you.

Some more about Dr. Epper. She was born in Los Angeles, having spent many childhood years in Athens, Greece. Before becoming a chiropractor, she worked as an exercise class instructor, personal trainer, gym manager, and chiropractic assistant. She even participated in several body building competitions during these years.

Dr. Epper attended Cleveland Chiropractic College in Los Angeles where she graduated magna cum laude on August 5, 1995. She was also presented the “Clinic Excellence Award” during her graduation ceremony.

She has built practices in Southern California and started practicing in South Reno in 2004. She has been in her current location since 2021.

To make an appointment with Dr. Epper, contact (775) 360-6046.