Low Level Laser Therapy

Low Level Laser Therapy (also known as Cold Laser or Photobiomodulation Therapy) is a new treatment that has been proven safe and effective by the FDA. It is a painless, sterile, non-invasive, drug-free modality that is used for a variety of conditions such as acute pain, chronic pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, low back pain, knee pain, post-operative pain, and plantar fasciitis, to name a few. This type of laser has also been clinically proven to work for body contouring and detoxification.


Acute injuries are generally caused by a sudden twist, collision, or fall. Pain is immediately present and medical attention is often quickly sought. The most common injuries are ligament tears or sprains and muscle tears or strains. During an acute injury, the immediate response by the body is the inflammation phase, followed by the proliferative phase and then the remodeling phase. The goal of this inflammatory-reparative cascade is to regenerate the collagen and extracellular matrix made up of proteoglycans that give the connective tissues their strength and characteristic ability to handle forces and strain during activity.

During the initial inflammatory phase, the immune system increases circulation to the injured area, which produces the classic redness, warmth and swelling along with pain. Inflammation and pain are both a natural, necessary part of healing and tell the athlete or person that the immune response is doing exactly what it should. Stopping the inflammatory reaction by using any anti-inflammatory compounds and corticosteroids decreases the athlete’s chances of complete healing by impairing the regeneration of collagen and extracellular matrix. However, Low-Level Laser Therapy can greatly enhance cellular metabolism and repair.

Low-Level Laser Therapy is proven to help facilitate the body by decreasing the inflammation phase to provide optimum healing. The patient or athlete benefits by experiencing decreased swelling, pain and increasing range of motion and muscle strength, and a quicker accelerated recovery through the healing cascade occurs…and without side effects!

Find out if LLLT is right for you! Make your appointment today by calling 775.360.6046.

How It Works

LLLT works on a cellular level. Mitochondria are organelles that reside in every cell of your body. Mitochondria are referred to as the “powerhouse” of each cell. Housed within these mitochondria are receptors capable of absorbing distinct parameters of light. During a laser treatment, the light will penetrate the skin and is absorbed by this receptor within the mitochondria. Receptor stimulation with light promotes energy production, biochemical reactions, protein and growth factor synthesis, cell growth, proliferation, and enhanced blood and oxygen flow. All of this results in accelerated healing.

  • Anti-Inflammation. Low Level Laser Therapy creates an anti-edema effect by dilating blood vessels and activating the lymphatic drainage system (which drains swollen areas). This reduces swelling caused by trauma or inflammation.
  • Anti-Pain (Analgesic). Laser Therapy has a very beneficial effect on nerve cells by blocking pain transmitted by these cells to the brain and decreasing nerve sensitivity. Also, due to less inflammation, there is less edema and less pain. Another pain blocking mechanism involves the production of high levels of pain killing chemicals such as endorphins, enkephalins, and opioids from the brain and adrenal gland.

  • Accelerated Tissue Repair and Cell Growth. Photons of light from lasers penetrate deeply into tissue and accelerate cellular reproduction and growth. The laser light also increases the energy available to the cell by increasing ATP production so that the cell can take on nutrients faster and get rid of waste products. As a result of exposure to laser light, all cells, including the cells of tendons, ligaments and muscles are repaired faster.

  • Improved Vascular Activity. Laser light will significantly increase the formation of new capillaries in damaged tissue; that speeds up the healing process, closes wounds quickly, and reduces scar tissue. In addition to angiogenesis, it causes temporary vasodilatation, an increase in the diameter of blood vessels.

  • Increased Metabolic Activity. Laser Therapy creates higher outputs of specific enzymes, greater oxygen and food particle loads for blood cells.

  • Trigger Points and Acupuncture Points. Laser Therapy stimulates muscle trigger points and acupuncture points on a non-invasive basis, providing musculoskeletal pain relief.

  • Reduced Fibrous Tissue Formation. Laser Therapy reduces the formation of scar tissue following tissue damage from cuts, scratches, burns or surgery.

  • Improved Nerve Function. Slow recovery of nerve functions in damaged tissue can result in numbness and impaired limbs. Laser light will speed up the process of axonal regeneration, nerve cell reconnection, and increase the amplitude of action potentials to optimize muscle action.

  • Immunoregulation. Laser light has a direct effect on immunity status by stimulation of immunoglobulins and lymphocytes. Laser Therapy is absorbed by chromophores (molecule enzymes) that react to laser light. The enzyme flavomono-nucleotide is activated and starts the production of ATP (adenosine-tri-phosphate), which is the major carrier of cell energy and the energy source for all chemical reactions in the cells.

  • Faster Wound Healing. Laser light stimulates fibroblast development (fibroblasts are the building blocks of collagen, which is predominant in wound healing) in damaged tissue. Collagen is the essential protein required to replace old tissue or to repair tissue injuries. As a result, Laser Therapy is effective on open wounds and burns.